Help - Changing domains

Adding and removing domains from the file uploader.

Adding and removing a domain
Selecting a domain
  1. Navigate to the settings page and click the third configs, domains, links and embeds tab.
  2. Within the domains section, find a suitable domain configuration, and once satisfied click Add.
  3. You now have a single domain selected on FilePush, assuming you had none to begin with and added one with this guide.
Removing a domain
  1. Navigate to the settings page and click the third configs, domains, links and embeds tab.
  2. Within the domains section, find and click [remove] on any domain you'd like to remove. If you leave with no selected domains, we'll use by default.
  3. You now have no more domains selected on FilePush, assuming you deleted them all.
Selecting a random selection of domains
  1. Navigate to the settings page and click the third configs, domains, links and embeds tab.
  2. Within the domains section, find a suitable domain configuration, and once satisfied click Add.
  3. Do this again. If you add more than one domain, a random one will be selected and returned each time you upload a file.